News from the Dream World

November 5, 2008

I Dream of Barack Obama

Filed under: barack obama, Bulkeley, grace, Hillis, hope — sparker @ 5:09 pm

Poster of Barack Obama, 2000 campaign
During the 2008 presidential campaign, a blog developed called “I Dream of Barack Obama. People were asked to send in their drams of Obama (and of Clinton and McCain). This is one of those dreams:

116. 23-Year-Old Portland Woman:

I was at a Barack rally and since I arrived early, I was sitting on the stage talking to Barack. He was trying to convince me, in a subtle and kind way, that I should vote — not just for him, but in general. People began to fill the room, and I sat on a chair toward the back of the stage. I found his speech compelling and invigorating. I knew that he was the president we needed. He was full of compassion and insight. When he finished, most people began filing out, but some milled around like teenagers at a concert, waiting, hoping for a moment with their favorite musician. Barack stepped off the stage and greeted them, spending a few moments with each. Then he returned to me and we picked up our conversation from where we had left off — discussing Will Truman from the TV show Will & Grace.I woke feeling like I should vote for Barack Obama, or at least think about registering.


I would note that Obama seems to have both Will and Grace.

The 333 dreams sent in were coded and analyzed using Robert Van de Castle’s content analysis method. There were several of the comments of professional dreamers who reviewed the dreams:

On a symbolic level, the image of a black man as President carries not only a sense of reflecting possible healing taking place on this historical cultural level, but in a more personal way it represents an image of the way in which the side of oneself that has been put down, blocked and excluded from equal participation in one’s life is finally redeemed, brought back into consciousness and placed in a position of leadership.
Raymond Hillis, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of counseling at California State University at Los Angeles.
Aggressive interactions, both physical and verbal, appear in 53 of the Hillary dreams and 39 of the Barack dreams. Sixteen of the Hillary dreams and nine of the Barack dreams include some kind of physical aggression; Barack is the mostly the victim of physical aggression, while Hillary is equally its victim and instigator. These frequencies suggest the perception of vulnerability and/or lack of aggressiveness in Barack and a confirmation of Hillary’s campaign claims to be a fighter, though not always in ways the dreamer appreciates.
Kelley Bulkeley, Ph.D. author, most recently of American Dreamers


I Dream of Barack
Source of Image

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